Thursday, November 18, 2004

An excellent first-hand report of the
Technology problems with voting in USA. It astounds me that in this, the country that claims it is the world's harbinger of freedom, that wishes to establish democratic processes all over the world (what hogwash), we could have such sloppy procedures. The descriptions are really fascinating.

At 8:00 p.m., I watched one of two precincts at a polling place stumble through the inefficient shutdown procedure, which had many steps and required intricate handling of small bits of paper. The longer workers struggled at it, the more dubious were the results they calculated. In the meantime, the other precinct at that polling place had kept its lists of who checked-in and who deposited ballots together, and accidentally muddled them up. Poll workers still toiled to sort out the mess, which was done by scribbling notes and erasing other marks—certainly, not a vouchsafe election technique. Erasers have no place in the preparation of election records. All marks should be made in pen.

It would be interesting to see if Indian voting procedures and the rest of the setup has been independently audited by someone other than the Election Commission. I suspect that things would be, at best, only marginally better in places like the metropolises, similarly bad at the villages and significantly worse in places like Bihar - the triumph of goondaism over democracy.


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