Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Electronic voting - how legal and how safe? This is the gist of an article on MIT's Technology Review web site. It makes for some fascinating reading - especially if you are interested in elections and ballot boxes, the ways to make them safe and, conversely, ways to commit fraud.

I know that in India we have electronic voting possible. How concerned are the people in India - or at least the people that are AWARE - regarding fraud? How concerned should Indians be that when they vote for Cong-I, the vote is registered correctly in the nanoparticles of magnetised Iron on the hard drive and counted as such?

These are serious questions that are being asked in the US - primarily because the people of the US seem to value their freedom (to express themselves - whether by burning flags or publishing porn - or using a soap box to air their views to all that will hear them) a heckuva lot more than Indians do.