Tuesday, November 09, 2004

MIT's technology Review has an interesting article on Wrist Radio Tags which can be used in hospitals and amusement parks. They are raising the bogeyman of loss of privacy - but "what loss?" is my question!

As someone said recently, 'get over it already'. You have no privacy in the first place. So what are you fighting against? The advent and popularity of the cell phone already tells central phone servers the approximate location of each cell phone carrier. This is available on a nation wide basis - so what loss of privacy is there? Also, if people are willing to click on certain advertisements in order to get better deals, and divulge some of their personal data to get personally tailored deals/messages etc. then where is the problem?

we might get an answer that the unknowing could get fleeced or cheated because of their lack of knowledge on how this data is going to be used. Pshaw! That is precisely the target market that ANY such deals will be attracting in the first place!