Monday, April 06, 2009

Gurus and Shishyas

For the past two odd years, I have started to get into self-inquiry. So far, no guru. I have been reading around, listening to lectures and feel that many, nay most, of the doubts that you have expressed about Gurus misleading seekers is genuine. However, the intelligent and inquiring seeker should be able to discern the difference between the real Guru and a Furu (fake Guru).

The problem is when you have Furus that are close to being Gurus - one that comes to mind is Osho - erstwhile Bhagwan (or Acharya) Rajneesh. There are numerous others in India - and still more in the West in the guise of Xtianity spreaders (Southern US has boat loads of these people who feed off the poor).

BUT - there are real Gurus out there. One of the things that I have learnt from the teachings of Adi Shankaracharya (the original - not the current one from Kanchi) and his Bhashya on Gita (Bhashya can be loosely translated as an interpretation or, more correctly, an explanation) is that there ARE gurus and there are realy seekers - and (here is the tough to swallow part) when the time is right, The correct Guru will 'appear' before the seeker and put the seeker on his/her way toward the 'Truth'.

I have difficulty with this. My question is - who guided Adi Shankaracharya himself? And are the only Gnanis the ones that had Gurus? What about Ramakrishna Paramahansa? What about Ramana Maharishi? I am sure there are many other Gnanis in our midst and at least some of them must have found the 'Truth' on their own?! So why not me? Why not EVERYONE else?

Having said this, I believe that J Krishnamurti (however murky his teachings) used to say it right (I am paraphrasing) 'you should not follow me - find out for yourself by inquiring within'.

Thanks for reading my ramblings.


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