Friday, March 05, 2004

Just read an update on the Microsoft/SCO versus Linux tussle in progress. It appears that Microsoft has more than its fingertips dirty here. Read this note at and you will have a rignside view of what is promising to be a battle of mammoth proportions.

SCO has admitted that this e-mail is genuine - but claims that the conclusions draw are wrong. Fair enough. Now let us see what responses they have to *prove* that the context of this e-mail justifies the remarks.

Hopefully, the Department of Justice has its eyes and ears open and will go after Microsoft at the slightest reek of misuse of monopolistic position.

Stay tuned ...

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Ahem. So I have managed to do this.

This should be a blog that should be of interest mostly to Indians, but since I am a US citizen, I also have views on USA - and those will be posted here as well.

I have a web site that I occassionally publish on.
Yes - I am a el cheapo that does not wish to publish on a REAL web server without the trailing 81 - but so what? That is what I am.

I had written, a long time ago, something that I called a Blueprint for India. Obviously this document isa bit dated. It was written at the time the present government was about to be sworn in. As everyone knows, the country is due for elections in the coming two months or so. I will publish the remainder of the blueprint - although there are big holes where I don't have the required expertise to write proposals on.

Ohm Shanthi, shanthi - let the world be at peace.
My first post to my very own blog. Let's see where this goes.